In my interview with Maria Zeee, you may have heard us mention the propaganda efforts to make eating bugs seem normal. In 2018, actress Nicole Kidman made a video for Vanity Fair in which she eats “micro livestock” from a fancy silver platter. This is an insult to the people of food-deprived nations who are forced to eat bugs to survive. Notice how she uses chopsticks, a nod to some Asian cultures where this practice is not seen as abnormal. Numerous celebrities have stated that they incorporate bugs into their diets.
Canada has already begun to build an “alternative protein manufacturing facility” where they will farm crickets for human consumption. This is completely in line with Schwab’s agenda to reduce emissions (blame the livestock and not the factories) and control the world population. There is a reason that they are making farming increasing difficult across first-world nations.
In fact, the WEF released an article in 2021 entitled “Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems.” The article cites the growing population, a constant concern among the globalists, and claims that there will not be enough farmland to cultivate food for the estimated 9.7 billion people who will be stuck on this planet by 2050. The article continues:
“Now we need to overcome the last major barriers: preconceived ideas about insects as a source of food and legislation with regard to the use and consumption of proteins derived from insects. The ban on the use of insect as a source of protein has begun to evolve in Europe. In 2017, the authorization of the use of insect proteins was expanded from feed for pet food to include feed for aquaculture animals. This year the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reported that mealworms are safe for human consumption and a decision is expected to be made regarding the use of insects in pork and poultry feed.”
The European Union did in fact approve the use of some insect consumption in 2021. Even Forbes published an article praising the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for passing the measure. All proponents cite the same benefits that all come down to “sustainability” and saving the environment. Enjoy the mealworms and crickets. I cannot see this as a normal menu item and refuse to consume bugs for some madman’s agenda of ruling the world.
The post Celebrities Normalizing Bug Consumption first appeared on Armstrong Economics.