Dr. Robert Malone, one of the initial founders of mRNA vaccines, turned into the most prominent critic, plans to expose everyone in the World Economic Forum (WEF). “They’ve been working for 30 years to train people to be their gophers…to do their bidding…there are videos of Klaus Schwab bragging about it,” Malone stated. “All of these people who want to lock us up and disrespect us are not very smart. I mean, have you watched Trudeau?”
Malone admitted it is usually unethical to dox people online, but with “this crowd,” ousting them is the only way to beat them. So the doctor spent millions compiling a list of over 4,000 people who are working with the WEF to push forward the Great Reset.
“The good news about these characters is [that] most of them aren’t very smart… We can beat them… but first thing we’ve got to do is we’ve got to out em’… We’ve invested thousands of dollars in our team, and we have built a massive spreadsheet of over 4000 names of WEF trainees, and we’ve got their CDs. We got their jobs. We got where they are, where they come from, where they’re working now, who they used to work with… We’re about to put this up on a blockchain-protected site, so they can’t take us down. And we’re gonna ask all of you and we’re gonna ask Steve Bannon’s posse to crowdsource the rest. And when people figure out other ones that aren’t on that list, we’re gonna get them on that list.”
He plans to add the spreadsheet of names on a blockchain-protected site in hopes of bypassing censorship. World leaders, major corporations, numerous politicians, Big Tech companies, and more will appear on the list. Let’s let the public see how deep corruption is embedded in the global society.
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The post Dr. Robert Malone v WEF first appeared on Armstrong Economics.