China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and now they are turning to Russia and China. They need to conquer both to reach their goal of a New World Order which they have boldly put forth at the 2022 World Government Summit.
Let me make this VERY clear. The Western Keynesian Economic Model is collapsing. Schwab’s claim that “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” is not a communist sales pitch. It is far more serious than that. Because the European Central Bank moved to negative interest rates back in 2014 and there has been NO stimulation ever achieved, they have kept European governments on life-support and wiped out all the pension funds that by law had to hold a portion of government bonds.
Governments will have NO choice but to default but if they do so, millions will be storming their castles with pitchforks. Schwab is pulling the LIFE Insurance scam. They sell fire insurance, accident insurance, flood insurance, and earthquake insurance, but they could not sell DEATH insurance so they then called it LIFE instead. Schwab is clever in saying we will eliminate all your debt makes it sound they are doing this for you when in fact they need to default.
These people are manufacturing WAR for two purposes: (1) they need war to impose more restrictions from digital currencies to IDs claiming vaccines, and (2) they actually think they can force Russia and China to comply with their Great Reset including climate change if not surrender sovereignty to the United Nations.
Let us make no mistake here, the Neocons have laid out the plan of using Ukraine to poke the Bear for two reasons. First, they really do think they can conquer Russia and they know that Putin is NOT the madman and is far more reasonable. They are counting on that assuming he will NOT turn to nuclear weapons and they will take over Russia and then turn on China. Second, this is also about ending energy flowing from Russia to Europe for the pipelines flow through Ukraine.
At the Dubai 2022 World Government Summit, there was a panel discussion that included what energy would look like POST-Ukraine Crisis. They also had a panel entitled: Is the World Ready for a Future Beyond Oil? This is all intentional and we must understand that they are manufacturing war and this is all about creating the vision of a New World Order and they really do want to push the world into chaos. The plan is that then the United Nations will appear to be the Great Peace Maker to save humanity. But the herd is culled, tagged, and controlled. We all have our digital IDs, and there is no currency other than a government-controlled digital currency so they can eliminate all crime and any underground economy.
So while Biden is screaming this is a battle between Democracy & Authoritarianism, again it is propaganda for the end goal here is to eliminate our right to vote because they see us as TOO stupid to vote. The fact this is all bullshit since there is no democracy – we all live in a Republic with no right to vote on anything other than a person pretending to represent the people. This New World Order will eliminate any pretense of Democracy and we will not even have Constitutional Rights. War is needed to end our forms of human rights and Germany is about to pass MANDATORY vaccines for anyone 60 or older or you will be starved to death unable to ever leave your home – just die thank you!
So now Pelosi was to go to Taiwan and stir up revolution as John McCain did in Ukraine promising America stands behind them. She was to deliver the same speech that Americans will defend Taiwan against China. They want another Proxy War to start now against China as Pelosi is crossing into the camp of Neocons like Hillary.
The post Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead first appeared on Armstrong Economics.