The video above has gone viral, depicting Taiwanese soldiers throwing rocks at drones believed to be sent by China. Reports are circulating that Taiwan also allowed store-bought civilian drones to enter its airspace, which leaves many to wonder how they can compete against China’s military surveillance. Backed by the US, Taiwan is beginning to push back against China and its One China policy. The Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported that they will begin to shoot down Chinese drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The MND said that it plans to invest in anti-drone defense systems over the next four years to the tune of $141 million. There have been 23 drone spottings in Taiwan since Pelosi’s reckless visit. It should be worth noting that Taiwan donated 800 carpet bomber drones and 860 combat drones to Ukraine to combat Russia. China is taking notes from Russia, while Taiwan is taking notes from Ukraine. Why would Taiwan offer a vast quantity of drones to Ukraine if they are in need of their own protection?
The simple answer is that support from the US has emboldened Taiwan. They do not fear an escalation of tensions when US warships are passing through its waters. Time will tell how China responds as the One China policy is under fire.
The post Taiwan to Destroy Chinese Drones first appeared on Armstrong Economics.